Friday, October 9, 2009

funny pictures of cats with captions

We'll be leaving for our trip back east shortly for the big family beach vacation. So far, it's been hectic. Ya think we were staging a Mars landing. I'm sure you know how it is, these family vacations. The stuff of legend!

Besides having a rockin' good time with the fam, an added bonus is carousing with Lesli and Addi at Brookgreen Gardens! I have been wanting to visit that outdoor sculpture garden for years, ever since Lesli told me about the place. Acres and acres of gorgeous gardens and realistic sculpture! Trust me -- I plan to take lots of pix! Granted, I haven't posted my previous trip here yet, and now I have another one -- yow!

Suffice to say, I wasn't able to finish that paint job before I left. DOH! But perhaps coming back to it with a fresh eye will be a good thing. I also intend to dive back into Little Miss Haffie and get her done done done. Crickey.

So I'll have loads to show-and-tell when I get back -- prepare thyself.

"Be an explorer. The universe is filled with wonder and magical things." ~ Flavia

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