Hazzah! A segueway into my last post that included medallions is this new concept show being hosting by Model Horse Blab. Yes. I'd really like to see these kinds of art forms take off in the model horse industry, so here's the scoop:
Model Horse Blab is hosting an online "Chachki" photo show with an entry deadline of November 13, 2009. By "Chachki," they mean plaques, medallions, pins, mugs, tiles, etc., made by model horse artists.
Judges are Thomas Bainbridge, Maggie Barkovitz, Elaine Lindelef, and Elizabeth LaRose. Prizes include medallions donated by Joan Berkwitz, Lesli Kathman, Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig and DaBar Enterprises (thank you!).
Entrants must be paid subscribers to Blab. It costs $18/year. You get access to a message board with over 1000 active members, their Gallery (like Webshots, but no ads) and you are able to participate in all their online shows. This is the fifth they have had this year.
To view their show classlist and so forth, go here.
To view their message board (you can see the "free forums" only), go here.
To view their Gallery, where the show is conducted (the $18 goes partly to fund the software license), you must be logged in (that's free), and go here.
Trial memberships are available immediately; just email Elizabeth LaRose at eliz@modelhorseblab.com, and she'll set you up with one pronto. They do not spam their membership.
"Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things." ~ Theodore Levitt