Went grocery shopping today for the feast -- it was a madhouse. I've never had to orbit the parking lot for ten minutes to find a space! They were so swamped, and were sold out of so many items, it was unreal. Thankfully, I got what I needed for our fabulous menu tomorrow evening -- beef wellington taking the center stage! I hope your menus are amply indulgent and scrumptious!
It's a chilly silver day here, with rows of sparkling icicles adorning our eaves and powdery snow wafting like winter whispers through the crisp air. Magical!
I gaze at my little Charmkins, curled up, cozy and snug, snoozing away, unaware of the feast they'll wallow in tomorrow. They've been bewildered by the mad rush I've been in lately, and will be grateful for some quiet, gooshy time with me now that things have settled into that euphoric Christmas eye in the middle of the holiday storm.
I'm wishing you all the very best for the Holidays -- you have my warmest wishes and most gooey ratty holiday juju! Travel safe and stay warm -- and may tomorrow bring you many big hugs, hearty laughter and full bellies!
"What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace." ~Agnes M. Pharo