Today is a perfect day. Big puffy clouds, a slight breeze and about 70˚. On a day like this, I just couldn't resist taking a break from The Boat to enjoy the outside. Now we have the house opened up to let all this wonderful fresh air in, and it's great to hear the sounds of the tree leaves swishing. My neighbor is playing his Celtic folk music again, and I love it. Our other neighbor just brought over some garden-grown and homemade sweet pickles--yum!
Anyway, as for myself, I like BBQ, sure, but I don't love it like Hubby does. Instead, I prefer BBQ shrimp! A typical summer day here is like a "surf n' turf," with my carnivore Hubby grillin' a big fat steak and me sizzlin' up skewers of shrimp (basted in a butter-lime-garlic glaze!). He wants a smoker pretty badly, so that might be something to consider down the road, though I know it'll drive all the neighborhood dogs insane. Lots of people brought their dogs to the Cook-Off and I have to say...I felt sorry for them. Their eyes were so full of hope!
I do have to admit, though, that I'm banned from our BBQ. After one fateful afternoon of attempting to grill brats while unsupervised and then practically burning our house down, frying the hair off my face, nearly melting my glasses and crispifying the vines that overhang our patio...seriously...I was Wily E. Coyote after his Acme Dynamite goes off...Hubby ordered, begged and reiterated that I don't even think about touching that BBQ. Ever. Don't even look at it. OK...so I misunderstood his instructions! I thought he told me to turn the gas on and let it sit for 20 minutes before lighting. Yeah, I thought he said that at the time, but apparently not.
Anyhoo...I hope your Labor Day Weekend is rockin', too! Though for those bearing Gustav's anger, my thoughts are with you! Hunker down and stay safe!
"I'm not saying my wife's a bad cook, but she uses a smoke alarm as a timer." ~ Bob Monkhouse