Hazzah! It's September! That means it's BAM Art in the Park time! That's my Mom in the blue T-shirt and hat, and Hubby, of course, on the left.We look forward to this intoxicating immersion into arty chaos every year, to again marvel at how clever the creative mind can be! The crowds were out, the weather was beautiful and the vendors had lots of eclectic and inspiring pieces for sale. The festival is a fund-raiser for the Boise Art Museum (BAM), so we always make a point to buy something, although we typically cart bags of unique loot home, regardless. So we ventured out among the tents, well supplied with our ritual sustenance -- me with a wad of fresh roasted candied almonds, Mom with a piping-hot "Pronto Pup" corn dog (with lots of mustard!), and Hubby with a bag of fresh popped Kettle corn.This year was a particular thrill for me since I got to meet one of my favorite modern artists, Will Bullas! YES---he was there! I shook his hand! He was so friendly and fun! I'm enamored not just with his artistic style, but also with his sense of humor, of course. I bought three prints from him, and he graciously personalized them with dedications. What a hoot! Another highlight was a man who created outstanding "paintings" with inlaid woods and mother-of-pearl, depicting scenes right up my alley -- koi with lilypads, mantarays and sea turtles in ocean scenes, flowers and vines with butterflies and all sorts of critters, in a realistic style, but with a touch of art nouveau, too. You can see his work here, but you really have to appreciate it in person.I love art festivals -- not only as a feast for the eyes and senses, but also to gain inspiration and ideas for my own work. I always come back with my brain swimming in new directions, with new concepts and renewed energy! It's also good research to see how other artists package their work, and how they present themselves, then watch how the crowds react to them, and their work. It must be exhausting having to be "on" all weekend, and in that heat...my hat is off to them! Although all this does light a fire under my hiney to get my tile press up and running in full force..."When any one of us is aligned with our purpose, there is an inexhaustible source of energy. Once you're aligned with your purpose, the energy is always there to do whatever you need. You never get tired, and you do everything with a sense of joy. It's actually effortless – it's a flow." ~Dennis Kucinich

Corn Dogs and Kettle Corn